Back to the Futures of Wadleigh Students

_by Esther Cyna, a Teachers College PhD student_

Wadleigh: Evolution of the Arts and Culture

_by Justin Clarke, Tahjay Lee, and Ebony Ramirez, Wadleigh students and participants in the 2023 Wadleigh Youth Media Fellowship at Teachers College_

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Composers & Musicians: Musical Identity at Wadleigh In The 1930s & 40s

_by Ellen Oshinsky, a Teachers College student in music education, and the Harlem Education History Project_

Wadleigh Student Responses to Historical Events through Art and Literature

_by Rosbelkis Acosta, Sandra Liu, and Shantel Sosa, Wadleigh students and participants in the 2023 Wadleigh Youth Media Fellowship at Teachers College_

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Evelina López Antonetty: Education and Activism in the Puerto Rican Diaspora

_by Lauren Lefty, a PhD student at New York University_

Wadleigh through the Decades

_by Janet Aguilar, Kendy Guzman, and Kaila Watson, with Ebony Ramirez, Shantal Sosa, and Leneir Taylor, Wadleigh students and participants in the 2023 Wadleigh Youth Media Fellowship at Teachers College_

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Learning the Landscape: Deborah Lucas-Davis on Growing Up in Harlem

_by Brittney Lewer, a PhD student at New York University_

The War that Wadleigh Students Imagined

_by Teachers College PhD student Rodrigo Mayorga